




At Above Bar Church, we consider giving to be so much more than just financial. We can give our time, our talents, and tithes.

Part of our worship is to:

-> Remember all the good things God has given us and how we can use our resources for him.

-> Pray and carefully consider what the Lord is saying as we give.

-> If you would like to support the church in a non-financial way, why not join a team and start volunteering.

Ways to Give


To give online via Churchsuite please click the button below. You will be given the option to donate to a specific aspect of church life, and to add GiftAid if you would like.

Bank Transfer

To give via bank transfer, please use the details below.

Account name: Above Bar Church

Account number: 00340448

Sort code: 55-81-26

If you would like to set up a standing order and can't do this online, please download the Standing Order Mandate form below and return it to the church by emailing

Standing Order

If none of these giving options work for you, please email for other options.

We are grateful for your generosity, that enables Above Bar Church to bring practical and spiritual help across a wide range of ministries.